Gold and Diamond Properties in Tanzania: Africa Trade Connection www.africatradeconnections.com
Location of Properties:
Gold Property (1) : Lake Victoria Gold Fields. - KAHAMA (Lushelu) 161.87 Sq. Km Diamond Properties (3) : MWADUI Kimberlite Province - Uchunga 45.36 Sq. Km - Seke 19.95 Sq. Km - Mabuki /Misungwi 61.42 Sq. Km
Business Development Proposal : The holder of these mineral rights are Tanzanian partners seeking for a single potential investor for a joint venture arrangement in financing detailed exploration and mining in which the holder request the investor to consider buying 100% two diamond properties of Seke and Mabuki. And then enter into a share agreement of 80:20 on the remaining 2 properties of diamond and gold at Uchumga and Kahama.
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